In 2014, the LGMD Awareness day initiative was created to promote the 30th day of September as the National LGMD Awareness Day.

Since then, every year on that day, thousands of people in north America and beyond aim to draw attention to these rare degenerative conditions through social activities and commemoration. The LGMD2i Research Fund is proud to be part of this initiative. In celebration of the 10 year anniversary, we created this timeline to highlight the amazing advancement and progress that have been achieved since mutations in the FKRP gene were shown to be the cause of LGMD2I (aka LGMDR9), a LGMD subtype and the focus of our mission.

History of Progress in LGMD2I

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We are looking to strengthen our grant portfolio and create new relationships. Discover our current grants, the description of our funding process and resources for potential grantees.

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We partnered with other foundations, organizations, and pharmaceutical companies to help the LGMD2I community.

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Help for Patients

Do you need help to find a medical center or a doctor knowledgeable in LGMD2I? Do you need help to manage your condition or connect with the rest of the LGMD2I community?

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News & Events

The most relevant news and events about LGMD2I and other LGMDs and MDs.

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Science Basics

Description of LGMD2I and basic concepts of biology and genetics to better understand information about LGMD2I you will come across.

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Medical Research

How do new technologies promise to treat LGMD2I? What research is ongoing and why it matters…

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